Organizational Amnesty

Student Conduct and Community Standards offers Organizational Amnesty to encourage reporting and reduce barriers for registered organizations.

In accordance with the University of Kansas student amnesty policy, registered organizations seeking immediate medical assistance on behalf of persons experiencing drug- or alcohol-related emergencies will not be sanctioned for violations of University drug- or alcohol-related policies related to the incident of medical need. Additionally, the student(s) receiving medical assistance will not be sanctioned for violations of these policies following their first incident requiring medical attention. Repeat incidents of a student and/or registered organization requiring medical assistance under this amnesty policy may be subject to disciplinary action under university policies.

Additionally, registered organizations aware of violations of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities or other University policies will not be sanctioned for the incident if the organization’s executive officers proactively report the incident to Student Conduct and Community Standards, as described below. This includes suspected hazing, harm to persons, and alcohol and drug violations.

The Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards may at their discretion assign educational interventions when there is concern regarding student safety. Additionally, the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards or Vice Provost for Student Affairs may revoke an organization’s amnesty at their discretion when severe harm to persons or the University has occurred.

  1. An incident must be reported by an executive officer of the reporting organization to Student Conduct & Community Standards (SCCS). Reports should be made via the appropriate web form, email, or telephone to the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
  2. The incident must be reported within three (3) calendar days of an executive officer becoming aware of the situation.
  3. An organization will only have one (1) opportunity to self-report behaviors that may be policy violations under this policy per academic year.

In order for the organization to be eligible for amnesty, it must report the incident as described above and:

  1. Within five (5) business days of the initial report, provide SCCS with all relevant details surrounding the incident including the names of all students involved and any other similar incidents that have occurred within the past six (6) months;
  2. Provide documentation of accountability for members involved in the incident;
  3. Work with stakeholders (SCCS, respective university staff, advisors, and headquarters – if applicable) to create a plan to prevent future incidents. SCCS will set the deadline for this plan and grant extensions as needed;
  4. Ensure that all members cooperate with any information-gathering efforts and the resulting action plan in full. If additional, previously-undisclosed information is uncovered, the organization may become ineligible for amnesty. If the information relates to an incident for which amnesty was previously granted, the previously granted amnesty may be revoked; and
  5. If any information given is found to be knowingly false or fabricated or material details are withheld, amnesty will be revoked, and the organization will go through standard conduct procedures for registered organizations. Any previously gathered information may be used during the new investigation.
  1. Although an investigation may occur and educational interventions may be assigned, any organization granted amnesty will not have a disciplinary record of the incident.
  2. The organization’s outcome will not appear on the Student Conduct and Community Standards webpage for a violation.
  3. If an organization is not granted amnesty, information gathered throughout this process may be used in future disciplinary action.