Political Activity Considerations

The University of Kansas is prohibited from endorsing political candidates or participating in political campaigns. Students considering political activity should refer to the Political Activity Policy in the KU Policy Library for more information.

Political Activity Policy

Political Considerations Frequently Asked Questions

Students have a First Amendment right to promote political candidates and campaign in public forums on campus. Student organizations can identify with political parties and candidates but should refer to their funding guidelines and the Political Activity Policy for more information about space and resource considerations. Organizations can register students to vote and lead non-partisan voting drives.

Student organizations are permitted to sponsor political candidates for educational purposes only. Candidates are permitted to share their agendas, political beliefs, and speak to their areas of expertise. However, it's essential that these activities are genuinely educational and not political rallies. Candidates may not fundraise on campus.

In most instances, students are prohibited from utilizing University resources, such as email, to solicit votes, fundraise, or support political candidates.

The policies and considerations for Student Senate elections are different from government elections. Please visit studentsenate.ku.edu to learn more about considerations for these important events!

Freedom of Expression Acknowledgement: Nothing herein shall be construed in a manner that would result in a conflict with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution or any other relevant federal or state laws or regulations concerning freedom of speech or expression. This policy incorporates by reference the principles set forth in the KBOR Statement on Free Expression, and shall be construed in a manner consistent therewith, along with KBOR’s policy on the Use of Campus Grounds and Facilities. Nothing herein, or in any other University policy or rule, shall be deemed to discourage students, faculty, or staff from hearing diverse points of view from speakers and programs sponsored by the University or recognized student, faculty, or employee organizations. Further, with regard to any regulation or restriction of protected speech or expression, this and all other University policies or rules are intended to be content-neutral and limited to narrowly drawn time, place and manner restrictions that are consistent with established principles of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and shall be construed accordingly.