Hawk Habits

What is Hawk Habits?
Students who go through the University of Kansas Student Conduct or Housing Conduct process may be recommended to a Hawk Habits workshop. Incorporating the framework of self-authorship, this workshop is designed to explore student’s values/morals/ethics, how it affects personal decision making, and personal accountability.
Hawk Habits is to be assigned when a student was involved in a low-level Alcohol and Drug incident (or continually involved in Alcohol and Drug incidents) but do not need additional alcohol/drug education, or if there was just an odd incident (throwing a couch out a window/throwing pencils at a door), something that shows the student needs an intervention on their decision making. Everything that is discussed is strictly confidential between participants and the facilitators.
Currently Hawk Habits is offered in one format:
In person – this is a session course in a group setting. The session will be approximately 1.5 hours.
If you have questions please email kusccs@ku.edu.
**Please note there is no cost associated with the workshop