Conflict Resolution Services offered by Student Conduct & Community Standards

Educational Goals

The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards seeks to provide conflict resolution services that are restorative in nature, and help student hone in on their own communication styles. The following provides a brief overview of the current programs offered by the office. If there is a topic or content area not listed please email us at We can help create a customized program specific to that area or can put you in contact with another office that are experts in that particular content area. 

Overview of Services

We are able to provide coaching to help build communication styles and brainstorm resolution choices. If a student or community needs education around introducing hard conversations or engaging in conflict this is a great resource. This can be done 1:1 or in a group! 

Our office can help structure and lead difficult discussions when an outside party is needed. We will meet with students both individually and together to address all needs. This can be a good fit for roommate conflict, student org conflict or even friend groups! 

Students indirectly communicate with each other about a conflict to negotiate a fitting resolution for all parties. Our office can act as the communicator between parties, over a given period of time. 

Students can collaborate with our office to accept accountability for their actions, look for ways to repair harm, and build community. We can set up circles for any topic, conferences, and mediations. This process requires not only buy-in from all parties but intentional pre-work with student conduct. Please reach out to inquire more! 

  • Conflict Skills: The basics of what conflict is and how to engage in a healthy way
  • Roommate Agreements: Revisiting your roommate agreement after disagreement
  • Communication styles: The different ways we all show up in tough conversations
  • Healthy Living Environments : How do you define a healthy or toxic environmen

Did We Miss Something?

Is there an area we missed? Let us know how we can help your organization/team by emailing us at